
El sentiment que compartimenta,segmenta, aïlla, permet que els especialistes i els experts siguin més competents. Edgar Morin

"Aquest matí, el mar era d’un blau grisós, impressionant La ratlla entre el cel i el mar era difosa i el gris tenia mil tonalitats. La pluja anava i venia i....i t'he enyorat!.
He passejat vora la platja mentre les onades colpejaven les roques i la grisor es convertia en escuma blanquinosa.
Feia més fred que altres dies, i tot i la jaqueta cordada, caminant, anava pensant com serà aquest estiu.
Sempre em sembla que prop del mar és més fàcil reflexionar, el so de les onades i el xiulet de la brisa m’ impedeix tenir pensaments en negatiu ,i tot i que sovint la realitat és diferent, somnio en allò que desitjaria , en allò pel que treballem i sobretot en allò pel que sentim i estimem!
Escoltar el silenci i sentir el batec dels nostres sentiments és .......!!!!!.
Penso que sovint, quan fa molts dies que seguim i seguim, ens cal una parada. Revisar els fets, les paraules i les activitats que hem intercanviat i mirar el mar per veure quina és la direcció adequada.
Aquest març, un mes complicat de feina, un mes encisador de vivències i un temps imprescindible, com qualsevol altre temps cap a un altre nou mes.
Ahir les forces defallien, avui tornem a remuntar i així dia a dia, tornem a desitjar, tornem a viure , tornem a somniar!Reviso el passat, desitjo el futur, però el més important gaudeixo d’aquest present, amb els dies clars i els foscos, amb les rialles i els plors, amb els sentiments positius i els negatius .
Jo ,com tu i com tothom !"

8 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

Quan aboques sentiments en el blog , s'intueix tendresa i et veig més a tu que mai.
Ets decidida, no t'has deixat atrapar per les sigles. El teu blog no és ni de partit , ni de xarxa sindical ni de cap "encosillat". Ets tu i tu, i sempre tu.Ben fet.
Avui hi rellegeixo una bona passejada, una caminada arran de mar i una enyorança de temps veniders o potser de temps viscuts.Sempre a la ratlla de la felicitat i de la recerca del "més".

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The firm delivers one particular [url=http://www.hotdeal.vn/ho-chi-minh/thoi-trang-nu_594/]gia re hom nay[/url] for each working day in every single single of the markets it serves. The Groupon performs as an assurance settlement utilizing ThePoint's system: if a particular selection of males and women indicator up for the provide, then the offer gets obtainable to all if the predetermined minimum is not attained, no one will get the offer that working day. This decreases risk for retailers, who can manage the coupon codes as quantity reductions as effectively as merchandise income marketing equipment. Groupon will help make money by retaining around half the money the buyer pays for the coupon.

For illustration, an $80 therapeutic massage could be received by the customer for $40 by way of Groupon, and then Groupon and the retailer would break up the $forty. That is, the retailer offers a therapeutic massage valued at $80 and gets around $twenty from Groupon for it (under a 50%/fifty% crack up). Or, if $240 well well worth of residence portray companies is bought by the consumer for $50 by implies of Groupon, then the organization will get $twenty five and Groupon retains $twenty five. The buyer will get the massage, or the home portray company, in these illustrations, from the retailer for which they initially paid out $forty (or $fifty) to Groupon. There are certain companies to which Groupon at first did not source its companies, like capturing ranges and strip golfing gear however, capturing ranges have been showcased on Groupon.

As opposed to labeled marketing, the merchant does not commit any upfront cost to consider element: Groupon collects personalised information from completely ready customers and then contacts only these purchasers, mainly by daily e-mail, who may possibly possibly be interested in a certain item or services.

Groupon employs a huge volume of copywriters who draft descriptions for the gives showcased by e mail and on the web site. Groupon's marketing textual material for the 'deals' has been seen as a contributing problem to the recognition of the web website, featuring a unique blend of comprehensive reality-examining and witty humor.

Owing to Groupon's marketplace becoming largely composed of woman consumers, the bargains are frequently concentrated on the wellness, physical fitness and elegance markets.

There are feasible difficulties with the firm design. For illustration, a lucrative offer could briefly swamp a minor company with as well many consumers, jeopardizing a likelihood that consumers will be dissatisfied, or that there won't be ample item to satisfy the demand from customers from customers. Gap, a massive clothes retailer, was in a place to manage 445,000 coupon codes in a nationwide deal (although it educated server troubles at one particular distinct place), but a scaled-down sized organization could become out of the blue flooded with customers. A single particular espresso keep in Portland, Oregon struggled with an enhance in clientele for 3 months, when it supplied close to to 1,000 Groupons on the 1 working day it was supplied, according to one particular certain report. In response to equivalent problems, Groupon officers state that 'deal' subscriptions need to have to be capped in progress to a practical amount.

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